Authentic Love feels like...

The most beautiful feeling is to love and to feel that you found love and are loved. Authentic love feels UPLIFITNG and EMPOWERING.
It does NOT compromise who you are as a person, but makes you realize once more that we are ETERNAL, made of pure love.
Very common in everyday life it happens that we become the victim of living the idea of one thing instead of experiencing the real thing itself.
Obviously, this is the case many times in our pursuit of love. Love within our own family, friends, acquaintances life it’s easy to be observed and make the difference between the idea of loving someone or the true authentic love.
How can we make the difference between ROMANCE and true LOVE ?
That thirstiness for romance gives us a feeling of excitement and mystery sometimes associated with love. Romance is that anxious, nervous, thrilled feeling having the pleasure and excitement of doing something new or exciting, but this is not love. Romance is childish, innocent and very funny as long as we do not have more expectations from it than to see her real character of romancing. If we try to get out more of it than what it is, it can become painful.
***May fade away and makes us realize that it was only a flirtation. If we push it further into a relationship, this will hurt us later. In time the real feelings come out, we don’t feel loved as we only had the impression we were, – which was an illusion only. The other person never loved us authentically, instead was romanticizing us.
***Or it can blossom further into a nice Love story. When romance is taken to the next level, it transforms itself into deeper feelings that penetrates to our core.
REAL LOVE makes us feel good on all aspects of our being.
It feels warm, caring, filling us with light and compasion. Our heart feels light every time we interact with our partner, it activates our inner authentic being.
True love does not require us to look or behave in a certain way, have a certain property, car or job. When people truly love us they accept us as we are, even more – their love is mirroring our love. They make us realize that all we search out there, it always existed inside us. Our self-love, self-fulfilling becomes stronger every day and they will support us on our elvolution further.
True love never makes us feel jealous, needy, lacking or anxious. If you ever encounter this emotions reltated to your specific person deep introspect the origin of this feelings and conclude in the right action.
Real Love it always empowers the authentic love within with care and compassion.
If you have questions or need guidance on relationships contact me and i will be happy to be at your help and service.

Happy Valentine’s day ! dear ones

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